1. Catched With @scheduled

    Catches …

  2. Alternative To Scheduler Webflux

    This is cool: Flux.range(0, eventRate) .parallel() .runOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .doOnNext(i -> LOGGER.info(“In the flux {} “, i)) .subscribe(); but not exactily what I want …

  3. Aws Commandlinetips

    aws sqs –endpoint-url :4576 list-queues - shows all the queues in existence …

  4. Classpath

    If you application is looking for a file like this: …

  5. Test With Values

    When testing a class using `@Value’ set to a variable in the class, the variables value will not be set. Opps! No fun if your test needs to run through the code requiring the variable’s value to be set. …

  6. When Intellij Will Not Import Correctly

    If you open a project and intellij won’t import it correctly. …

  7. Magical Wrappers

    I had code that worked to listen to the Sqs and save the data as an object. I mapped the message from the listener into an object and used Jackson’s object wrapper to marshall the json into the object. …

  8. Retrospectos For Everyone!!!

    Incorportating retrospectives into teams and into your personal life. …

  9. Names In Projects Make A Difference

  10. Mongodb Objectid

    ObjectId(“507f1f77bcf86cd799439011”) …